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Update Wednesday: August 17, 2022

Time for Update Wednesday! This week brings new features to Prisons, along with some bug fixes, and an update to our Content Creator ranks! Check out the new stuff below.


- Introducing: Curses! Whenever you purchase a Custom Enchant from /ceshop, /tokenshop, or /godlyshop, there is a chance that the enchant will come with a curse on the book. The higher the rarity of the enchant you are buying, the higher the chance of it coming with a curse. These curses are enchants that you do not want. This week we have released two of these curses, which you can see below. To remove a curse, you can use /curseremove on a book or piece of gear with a curse applied. You can enter the curse you want removed and $1.5 million later, the curse has disappeared.

Curse of Rotting: Whenever you move, the durability of the item the curse is on will go down. It will go down fast so be careful!

Curse of Deletion: When you attempt to apply a book with this curse on it to an item, there is a high chance that the item will be completely removed from your inventory, enchants and all. If the book successfully applies, this curse will destroy itself and any other enchants on the book will apply correctly. For example, if you tried applying a book with this curse and Overload on it to a Diamond Chestplate, there is a high chance that the chestplate would be removed from your inventory, and a small chance that Overload would apply successfully without destroying the item.

- Fixed a crash that could occur when attempting to remove someone from your gang.


New Suffixes: the Simp, GG, and Limited Edition Crazy GG

Available now!

New Content Creator Ranks and Updates:

We are also updating our Content Creator ranks on the server.

If you already have a Creator rank on Flare, your rank will not disappear if you do not meet new requirements and you will keep the perks you currently have.

YouTube Rank Tiers:

Tier 1:

Requirements: 200+ Subscribers, 1+ Flare video every 2 weeks, consistently getting 40+ views within 2 weeks

Perks: VIP Rank perks, [YouTube] tag in-game

Tier 2:

Requirements: 1000+ Subscribers, 1+ Flare video every 2 weeks, consistently getting 100+ views within 2 weeks

Perks: VIP Rank perks, , [YouTube] tag in-game, Creator Code on the Flare store

Twitch Rank Tiers:

Tier 1:

Requirements: 100+ Followers, 1+ Flare stream every 2 weeks, consistently getting 10-15+ live viewers

Perks: MVP Rank perks, [Twitch] tag in-game

Tier 2:

Requirements: 1000+ Followers, 1+ Flare stream every 2 weeks, consistently getting 50+ live viewers

Perks: MVP Rank perks, [Twitch] tag in-game, Creator Code on the Flare store

TikTok Rank Tiers:

Tier 1:

Requirements: 200+ Followers, 3+ Flare videos every 2 weeks, consistently getting 100+ views per video within 2 weeks

Perks: MVP Rank perks, [TikTok] tag in-game

Tier 2:

Requirements: 2500+ Followers, 4+ Flare videos every 2 weeks, consistently getting 1000+ views per video within 2 weeks

Perks: MVP Rank perks, [TikTok] tag in-game, Creator Code on the Flare store

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